Marry Or move On

How our Astrology-Driven Compatibility Services can help Prevent Marriages with Problems, that end in Divorce

Compatibility is Not about what Most People think it’s about: Some will say:

1.  “I want someone who will put our Relationship first.”

    – We all want that, but just because YOU feel that strongly, doesn’t mean that they will feel the same.  Marry or Move On can gauge that in the Results Page, in the 1st Category that you’ll Click On, and will advise you accordingly.

2. I want someone who communicates well and doesn’t argue!

    – People don’t WANT to Argue!  Arguments are a triggered response to the individual that you will dealing with and only if your Chemistry with that person can ignite it.  Feeling the need to argue originates in a person defending their self-esteem, that may make them feel less than they feel they deserve. 

Marry or Move On can gauge that in the Results Page, in the 2nd Category that you’ll Click On, that will measure your level of Peace/Stress and will advise you accordingly.

3.  I want someone who thinks like me!

    –  That won’t happen over Coffee!  Marry or Move On can gauge whether or not it is likely to naturally coincide, to make that happen in the Results Page, in the the 3rd Category that you’ll Click On, and will advise you to Move On if there’s too much negativity.

4.  I want someone who is my preference in the Bedroom.  Are you gonna risk a test drive here and there, only to live out the reality that you could possibly be truly committed to this person, and you both live in a toxic situation that never goes away?

    – In the Results Page in the 4th Category, Marry or Move On can gauge whether it’ll be good and actually how Good, . . . without taking on the Challenge of Trying to Fix 1-3 that may NOT be Good because of your choices, just because you’d hate to give up the Good Sex!

 Even though we have over 50% Divorce Rates, and probably have another 35 to 40% of marriages that are not as good as we humans prefer and deserve.  Beyond the 50%, the other 35 to 40% may say there staying together for the kids, and oftentimes what that really means is, they don’t want to split the assets and monetary advantages, or add alimony or child support on their individual incomes.

Even Astrological type Dating Sites will not cover the bases that Marry or Move On will for you.  When it comes to Relationships, Compatibility on all levels is key.  Yet, despite the growing popularity of Matchmaking Services and Dating Apps lead to 65% of all marriages, most of which lead to frustration, emotional turmoil, and divorce.  At Marry or Move On, we understand that Matchmaking Services will not always provide the insights needed to ensure long-term happiness.  That’s why we’ve taken a unique approach by integrating Chinese and Western Astrology into our calculations of compatibility, helping couples avoid common Marriage Problems and avoid the likelihood of Divorce.

Matchmaking Services vs. Astrology-Driven Insights

When connecting potential partners, most matchmaking services rely on surface-level information—hobbies, preferences, goals, and interests.  While these details can be helpful, they don’t address compatibility’s more profound and complex aspects.  For instance, two people might have similar interests but vastly different communication styles, emotional needs, or coping mechanisms. These mismatches can lead to misunderstandings, arguments, and over time, separation.  On the other hand, astrology offers a more comprehensive approach to compatibility.  By analyzing Chinese and Western Astrology, Marry or Move On provides couples with a deep understanding of how their personalities, emotional needs, and behavioral patterns align or clash.  This unique combination allows us to assess potential partners psychological and emotional compatibility in a way that traditional matchmaking services often will not.

The Power of Chinese and Western Astrology in Relationship Compatibility

In Chinese Astrology, known for the 12 Chinese Animal and the inherent characteristics that come with each of them.  What you may not know, is there are over 43,000 variations of each Animal Sign, born over any given 60 year period, which accounts for over 512,640 variations of men AND women.  If we could form a line on a stretch of highway, with each person with 30 inches in which to stand, this line would extend for 242 ¾ miles.  You could drive for 3 hours at 80 mph by this blur of people without one known duplication within this system.  With some of these you could live together in peace.  With some of them you could be sexually compatible.  With some you’d have great conversation, without a problem.  We can identify the compatibility for you, on literally every level.  That is the reason any particular Zodiac Sign, including yours, are not all the same.  Western Astrology, on the other hand, focuses on a person’s Birth Date and time, revealing traits related to their Sun, Moon, and Rising signs and the multiple variations they offer.  By combining these two remarkable systems, Marry Or Move On can offer a well-rounded picture of a couple’s compatibility and whether it can or should, stand the test of time.

Avoiding Common Marriage Problems

Marriages that have problems such as communication breakdowns, emotional neglect, and even domestic violence are those that weren’t evaluated by Marry or Move On, or simply didn’t believe in it.  Marry or Move On can help couples avoid these pitfalls by ensuring they are aligned in their individual mindsets and their core emotional makeup.  Recognizing these astrological differences and/or compatibilities will avoid conflict and revel in the love that we all want, but seldom will find, because we’re focused on the wrong things.

How Marry or Move On Can Help Couples in NYC

Finding a truly compatible partner in a bustling city like New York can feel daunting.  Matchmaking services in NYC are plentiful, including some well-known Matchmakers.  Some of them charging tens of thousands of dollars, and for those that can afford them into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  There was an article a few years ago, of a Matchmaker speaking out in defense of some of his misjudgments in matching, he said this:  “I matched them according to what they wanted and needed.  I can’t help it if people can’t get along.”  He went on to say, “If I could do that, I would have more money than Bill Gates!”  Our Astrological Compatibility Analysis helps couples find the right partner simply based on who you are, not what you or they want, like, respect, or think is appropriate or deserving.  Stop adding on all the extra baggage.  It’s only confusing in the decision-making processes.  So far, your stereotypes have gotten you nowhere, and have only robbed you of your younger years that you won’t get back.  You have to know that someone wants you just the way you are!  We guide you, as an individual, through your natural inclination of what you need and want in this life, and that is to be received, understood and accepted just the way you are!  

The Marry or Move On Approach to Lasting Relationships!

At Marry or Move On, we believe that astrology is more than just a fun tool—it’s a powerful resource for identifying Genuine, and Lasting Relationships.  Using Chinese and Western Astrology to assess compatibility, we help couples find proper alignment, reducing the chances of marriage problems and divorce.  In a world where matchmaking services are often quick to pair people based on superficial traits, Marry or Move On takes the time to dive deeper into the elements that constitute the Success of a Relationship.  Whether you’re just starting to look for someone or to understand an existing relationship, we offer the insights you need to ensure clarity.

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